Friday, August 12, 2011

Packing up for my daughter's college orientation and first school year

Guest post written by Laura Stacey

My daughter is one of those people that never wants to get rid of anything. She's been hoarding grades papers, exams, all types of things from her first 13 years of school. Well, we're packing up a lot of her stuff now and dropping her off at her college orientation next week. She'll start classes right after that, so we have to move her into her dorm room at the beginning of her orientation.

Well, I've made her go through a couple of phases of cleaning up her room throughout the summer. I wouldn't even wish cleaning the whole room at one time on my worst enemy. During this last cleaning phase, I tried looking up some ideas about cleaning tips and while I was doing that, I ran across the site I showed it to my husband and after I looked through it some, I decided to change over our home internet service to one of the packages on there.

I hope that her going to first year orientation right before classes will help her get better acquainted with campus and everything. I have my fingers and toes crossed for her!

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